Kia Cerato 2014 branding campaign.
Brief: Kia is introducing the new 2014 Cerato model for people aged 22+ in a bold way to create hype and positive word of mouth around the new model.
Simple Sentence and what they want to convey in this campaign:
Kia Cerato is totally new - striking beauty that will move the senses.
Creative Director: Emad Khayyat.
Senior Art Director: Mahmoud Alkhawaja.
Execution: Emad Khayyat, Mahmoud Alkhawaja.
Senior Graphic Designer: AbdelRahman AlKhateeb.
English Copywriter : Adam Ferman.
Senior Arabic Copywriter: Naser AlKhalaileh.
Acount Handler: Dara Al Faqih.

Newspaper creative ad


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